

Melbourne’s motto is "Dieu et mon droit" (God and my right) .The right part of the expression has a legal basis in that it forms part of the university's charter as granted by Queen Victoria to teach "law, medicine, theology and philosophy." The Latin version was chosen because Melbourne was established on land once owned by the Catholic Church, which had been given it by the British Crown. In choosing the words "dieu et mon droit”, the founders expressed their desire to continue the traditions of English universities while also acknowledging ties with their French origins (where "droit" means "law").

It can also be seen in the form God and My Right in the middle of the main quadrangle, as carved into the stone of the University Library.



Clarendon Building:“Quaecumque sunt verae, sunt deo custodiiue” – Whatever is true, is to be held sacred; 出处:Black-letter edition of Sir Matthew Hale's history of the life of Thomas Cromwell, p.190.

The Law Library: “Justitia ut vivamus” ——Justice for our survival Source:http://melbu.ads.anu.edu.au/library/history.html

最后放一张在学校图书馆泡图书馆的时候拍的图~在书的海洋里泡着真的是一种精神上的享受啊( •̀∀•́ )


Melbourne's motto is Veritas nihil veretur. 翻译成英文是,The truth will never be afraid of anything. 在学校图书馆的玻璃门上可以看见这几个字,我也不知道怎么翻译成汉语(手动摊手) 大概的意思就是,真理无所畏惧,希望所有人都能追求真知!共勉吧~ 我很喜欢这个学校的校训,希望每个在墨大的同学们都记住并谨记心中。
