

动物场景主要出现在A类和G类考试的口语部分,是Part 1高频问题。 考鸭在准备时需注意以下几点: 首先,要熟悉常见动物的英文名称和缩写;其次,要了解动物相关的问答。

例如:问:Do you like animals/birds? 答:Yes I do. Birds are my favorite animals because they're so smart and beautiful to watch. And there are thousands of different species of birds in this world, so it is very hard for me to have a favorite one. My favorite bird is the blue jay(蓝鸟)because it has such nice colors:the head is shiny black with a small red crest on top of its head and then when you look down,it’s body is blue with gray underparts and wings. But if I had to pick just one,I would say the blue tit(蓝鸦)because these little birds are very intelligent and can be quite mischievous at times. They are also very good at imitating sounds that humans make. Once while I was talking to my friend,a bird came up to us and repeated word “Hello” back to us!



