

1.雅思考试是测评应试者英语能力的标准化考试,在全世界范围内广泛采用并得到国际认可的测试标准。 2005年8月4日中国教育部考试中心与英国文化委员会(BC)签署合作协议,双方将于2006年起共同推进雅思考试落户中国。 2014年8月13日起,雅思考试由英国文化协会(British Council)授权中国境内17家机构的79个考点负责考试。

2.雅思考试的分数等级划分及内容分布情况如下: 总分9分,每个类别听力、阅读、写作和口语各9分。8分为合格,7分优良,6分及格,5-4.5分为不合格。


4、除了留学类别的成绩认可外,雅思在移民类的认可度也非常高,大部分申请人通过雅思考试就能实现移民目标。 另外,根据最新的政策变化,加拿大移民局对申请人的语言要求做了相应的调整,即:对于申请人提交的语言考试的成绩,不再区分是IELTS, TOEFL等类型,而是把申请人的成绩统一按照“CLB”评分标准进行评分,以判断申请人的语言能力是否达到移民局的要求。


One way is to try to prevent people from becoming criminals in the first place. They can do this by investing in education and job-training programmes for those who are inexperienced and unskilled. They should also concentrate on areas where there is a lot of poverty and aim to improve conditions there.

In addition to this, the government can try to provide better services to deal with minor crime. This is important in making sure that anyone with a minor conviction has access to the help and support so that they do not re-offend.

Finally, perhaps the most serious way to reduce crime is to make sure that anyone who commits a criminal offence is successfully punished and that punishment acts as a deterrent to others. In other words, criminals should be apprehended and brought to justice and be made to realize that we cannot accept criminal activity.

In conclusion, the government has an essential part to play in reducing crime. However, we are all responsible for making sure that the places we live in are safe and enjoyable for everyone.
