

1. 登录移民局主页,找到签证状态栏,一般就是第一行第一个,点击进去; 2. 在页面中间部分会出现一个输入框,让你填入签证号码(Visa Code)和护照号码。如果你不知道自己签证号是什么,请参考如下方法:

a) 如果护照在手中,那么直接翻开护照有申请签注页的那一页,找印有“VISA STATUS”或者“VISA AVAILABILITY”的章印下面的一串数字与字母组合,这就是你的签证号码了(如果有多个,则都是);

b) 如果护照不在身边或丢失,请联系当初办理签注手续的部门,告诉他们你护照的号码和你递交申请的日期时间,对方可以帮你查到签证号码。

3. 核对完信息后点击“GO”,就可以看到当前签证的状态了~ 至于每个阶段都有什么样的含义,移民局的解释是:

Pending (受理中): Your visa application is being processed by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. Please note that processing time depends on the type of visa you have applied for, your nationality, any supporting documents required to be lodged with an application form or health assessment requirements, where applicable. In some cases processing times may take longer than indicated.

The information provided in this section should not be used as confirmation whether a decision will be made to grant a visa.

Granted (获批): Your visa has been approved either electronically or manually, which means it is ready to use at Australian international border control. Check if there are any conditions placed on issuing your visa and read the instructions below carefully about how to manage these conditions when travelling overseas. If necessary, contact our offices prior to departure so they can provide further advice on how to meet your obligations and what actions to undertake upon arrival into Australia. You must ensure that all relevant information was presented to us within your application.

Rejected(拒签): This indicates the visa has been refused。 An officer from the immigration office has decided against granting you a visa based on their review of your case details. The reasons for the refusal are contained in an official rejection letter issued with the visa decision. It’s also possible that no reason was given, but we recommend reviewing all correspondence before appealing. We encourage you to first consider seeking legal advice regarding the grounds of appeal and potential success rate before lodging an appeal. See page seven for more information on appeals.

Visa Cancellation:


这个网站可以查询,但只能查到申请状态和预计时间 无法看到具体的审批结果 http://www.immi.gov.cn/ 点击上面网址链接即可进入页面 这个是移民局官方的查询网站 但不是每个申请的都可以在这边查到 如果在官网里查不到申请信息就证明没有收到该申请 所以也就没有办法知道下一步了 我之前遇到过一个情况就是在递交材料之后过了几天登陆系统发现已经通过了 但是还是显示待批准 这时候千万不要着急 因为这种情况一般是等待系统更新 而更新是需要时间的(一般3个月以上)这时候可以再等一段时间 然后再去网站里看有没有新消息出现;如果还是没有的话就去打电话咨询一下 一般情况下不会出什么问题的 预祝好运!
