

题主好,首先我并不清楚你为何需要这份声明; 其次, 我也找不到任何官方的, 正式的文件中提到了这种声明. (有找到的话欢迎赐教) 最后, 关于多次入境申根签, 可参考德意志银行给出的说明(德意志银行是德国政府指定的签证代理机构): DBA GLOBAL VISAS VISA REQUIREMENTS FOR TRAVEL TO THE EUROPEAN UNION AND SWITZERLAND (10-9-2015): You need a visa to enter the Schengen Area, if you want to: Stay more than 90 days in any 6 month period while in Europe; or Do work for pay, either as an employee or self-employed person, within the area. To qualify for this type of visa you must be coming from another country and hold employment in one of several specific professions required by European Union countries. If your stay is less than three months or you are not working, you don't normally require immigration permission, but some EU nations do have restrictions on visitors who want to remain longer. If so, check with your embassy before traveling: Some countries offer visas upon arrival at airports that allow tourists to visit without first obtaining approval through embassies abroad. But each nation has its own requirements and some have strict enforcement policies which could cause problems for travelers later. For example Spain has been known to refuse entry to vacationers who appear to have overstayed their original tourist visas. Similarly Germany recently began fining citizens of certain non-EU countries up to $379 for unauthorized stays exceeding four days.

Therefore, I wouldn’t worry about making such statements unless you know there was something amiss concerning your travel plans/status. Otherwise, just enjoy your travels!

Have fun exploring new places!


我是法国人,来德国工作. 签证是1年的多次往返的... 我现在想回到法国住几天. 但是我的居留证没有过期. 所以我想问我可不可以坐火车或者飞机直接回法国呢?还是需要去移民局申请入境许可之类的东西? 我看了一些别的答案但是都不是很详细,希望有知道的人能给我一个确切的答复,谢谢!我真的很担心会因此无法成行哦~!多谢啦~^0^~^^^^~^^^^~~~~~^O(∩_∩)O^^^^^^_﹏°………_○○○○⌒▽○〃∀

回复:楼主的问题问得比较宽泛哈。 首先,您既然是有签证的,那么按照一般国际惯例就是可以乘火车、飞机直接到法兰西了滴; 其次,若实在不放心(虽然我觉得完全没有必要)的话,那就请楼主本人亲自前往当地警察局问问看咯~ 如果以上都不能消除您的疑惑,就请楼主亲自联系当地移民机构咨询吧→_→
