高中课程大致分为三大类,英语、数学和文科理科(Social Studies & Science),每一门课又细分不同科目,以12年级为例, 每门课的学分是3分(9-12年级的总学分要求是40分),而12年级要考大学的学生大多数都是4门4分,即总共16学分,剩下8学分的选修课可以在剩下的科目里选,或者可以选一些12个学分的ESL/FSL语言课。 由于我是国际学生,不能上公共课程,所以选择的课程如下:English A (ESL) English B Literature Math Algebra II Calculus 其中最后两门是大学预修课程(AP),学校会提供。 ESL与FSL的区别在于后者的课时少,而且只教口语,一般留学生都不需要上后者。
下面我介绍一下这些课程的详细情况: 一、English
1.English A,B,C and D: ESOL(English for Speakers of Other Languages)四种级别,分别适合不同英语程度的人学习,考试难度依次增加。A是最难的。
2.English First Peoples :这门课介绍的是北美第一民族的语言和文化,因为北美地区除了英裔白人外还有土著原住民(First Nations, Native American etc.),他们所说的语言文化非常值得去了解和学习。 这门课上有一项作业是要写一篇小论文,内容是研究某个特定的话题或主题并给出相应的解释,例如土著人的婚姻制度,土著人如何看待野生动物等,字数要求约500字。另外还有一个presentation要去教室做,内容包括介绍土著的历史以及关于上述话题的一些思考。
1.Calculus and Vector Mathematics: AP课, 分为Two-Calculus and Single-Calculus courses两种类型;前者比后者多出了微积分第二册的内容(导数,积分等),所以难度大一点但考试更容易过,我选了前者。 这门课的作业量很多,每周都要有作业交,包括各种计算题,小测验,小组讨论报告等,还有期中期末考试。
2.Pre-Calculus: 这门课也是AP课,内容与9年级的数学差不多,不过难度加大了一些而已,考试相对容易通过,如果准备参加此门课的考试就必须得好好复习了,因为它跟11年级的专业数学有很大关系。
1. Biology : This is a very challenging course because you need to learn the whole basics about life sciences such as structure, function...etc but in less than half year time! I can say that this was one my most difficult classes ever taken so far! However, it has helped me gain great understanding on how things works which will be extremely helpful when I go into University majoring in Biology or any other related science discipline. The exam is given at the end of the semester, consisting of three parts : multiple choice questions with answer explanations,short essay question and an in- class practical lab assignment where students are asked to conduct scientific procedure based off of given instructions.
2. Physics :This is also pretty interesting especially during those experiments, like making lightning rod! It was really fun! There were few assignments each semester such as creating a report for every lesson covered, giving a presentation to entire grade 12 physics class about something we have learned recently