1. 学习设计需要天分吗? 回答:我可以说,不需要天分! 我可以再补充一点,学习任何一门知识技能都不需要一个特别聪明的大脑才能学会。 举个例子:你看见一个朋友非常漂亮的写了一手好字,你问她怎么练的?她说每天练字一小时就成功了。你看她这么努力,又写得那么漂亮、干净,很羡慕吧。然后你说我要好好练习,我每天也练字一个小时。但是你可能不知道,别人可能花大量的时间研究笔法字体的结构。或许别人练字的时候你在玩游戏,或者别人在睡觉的时候你在练习,所以在你不知不觉中,人家已经比你多花很多倍的时间去钻研,多倍于你的努力才成就了别人的成功。而你可能花费了很多时间和精力,却还没有别人练习得久,写的字比别人好看。
因此我说:只要付出足够的努力和坚持,人人都可以写出一手好字。 你一定会问,那没有天分的人如何能做出巨大的贡献呢?比如达芬奇,爱因斯坦等等。但你要知道,他们能够在其他领域有杰出成就的同时,也在另一个领域有很大的贡献,是因为他们在每个领域都付出了超出常人的时间和精力,而不是单凭天分。如果没有足够的时间和努力,就算有天分也不能发挥出来。 就拿爱因斯坦来举例好了,很多人都知道他是物理学家,另外他还创立了相对论。但你肯定不知道他小时候在数学方面也有很大的成就。他在很小的时候就展现了超强的数学能力,而且很热爱数学。在他三十岁以后,由于他对物理学的不感兴趣,甚至想要放弃物理研究,于是他把大部分的时间和精力都放在研究数学上,最终取得了伟大的数学成就。
2. 学设计需要什么学历? 回答:Design is a wide ranging field that touches almost every aspect of our lives. From the design of a bridge to the design of an iPod,design is all around us and has been for centuries. Design can also mean something very specific like the design of a car or even the interior of a house. No matter what your area of interest in design is,you will learn that it encompasses everything from aesthetics to psychology and that it has practical applications in all aspects of life. 学习设计需要的学历并没有统一的标准和限制。有些学生可能是高中毕业,然后在培训机构学习设计的课程;还有一些学生是大学毕业后再回去学习设计,这样的案例也有很多。
3. 学习设计要有什么样的基础? 回答:Design is a creative profession where you use your imagination and creativity to solve problems. To be successful,you need to have the ability to think laterally and come up with innovative solutions that are both functional and pleasing to the eye. You should take as many opportunities as possible to explore and develop your creative side by doing things such as taking art and design classes,joining student clubs,taking part in special projects at school,or just spending time browsing museum exhibits and galleries. In short,you need to start building on those skills and abilities that will allow you to be imaginative,creation,and critical in your thought process while keeping technology and industry standards in mind. 学习设计并不需要什么特殊的天赋或技巧。只要你对设计感兴趣,并且能够投入时间和努力,每个人都能学好设计。就像世界上没有任何一项事业是靠着天才做到的,