Management is all around us. We manage our days, weeks and months. We manage our health, relationships and careers. We are managers of small enterprises or large corporations in various fields from accounting to zoology. Management can be your future profession too! The world needs good managers more than ever before as we enter the new millennium with its challenges and opportunities. Good management skills will benefit you wherever you go, whatever you do. Whether you want to run a department, work for a big corporation or just get off the ground with an enterprise that you have dreamed about, you need sound managerial skills. You can acquire these abilities by taking relevant courses – including our distance learning certificates, diplomas and degrees. (摘抄自http://www.open.ac.uk/)
虽然管理所包含的学科范围十分广,但不同的学校可能对于管理的研究方向设置有所区别,所以先给大家介绍一下management的一般研究内容: 那么回到问题本身,英国的大学都设有管理相关专业,这里就以UCL为例来进行说明: UCL管理学院下有七个系,分别开设不同的学科,再结合具体的研究方向,就能够设置出非常多的专业。以MSc为例进行说明: MSc Business Analytics 商业分析 MSc Management 管理 MSc Project and Enterprise Management 项目和企业管理 MSc Public Policy and Administration 公共政策和行政管理 这七个院系分别是: Department of Economics 经济学系 Department of International Development 发展系 Department of Mathematical Sciences 数学科学系 Department of Political Science 政治学系 Department of Psychology 心理学系 Department of Social & Environmental Health Sciences 社会和环境健康科学系 GOLDSMITHS' College of Engineering and Physical Sciences 金史密斯学院的工程学院和物理科学学院