雅思官方给出的考官标准英语为: 能够就任何话题流畅地讲述一个故事。 (fluent in English with the ability to tell a story about anything.) 能够灵活使用语法和词汇,以清晰、流利的方式讲述故事。(show flexibility and fluency with grammar and vocabulary to deliver your story well)
能够准确理解试题要求,有效整合信息并运用合适的形式传达给考生。(have an accurate understanding of test requirements, gather information effectively and communicate it appropriately to candidates) 懂得如何根据考生的作答情况给予相应的反馈。(be aware of ways to feedback to candidates on their responses) 了解与年龄、性别、种族和文化相关的口语表达模式,确保评判的公正性。(be aware of language use that may be related to age, gender, race or culture and ensure fairness in evaluation) 熟悉并利用考试系统的相关功能及注意事项。(be familiar with test systems and know how to operate them as well as possible) 具备处理特殊事件的能力。(have the necessary skills to deal with unusual situations) 在遵守各地相关政策及考点规定的前提下开展考务工作。(carry out examination administration according to local procedures and guidelines)
想要成为雅思官方考官并非易事,需要经过系统的培训以及严格的考核,才能够正式“上岗”。 也就是说如果想要成为一名雅思口语考官的话,你首先得是一名英文老师或者翻译官之类的,然后还需要参加雅思官方举行的培训课程才能具备考试资质。